Congratulations to Rakesh Arjun Asundi, a student of the Swami Dayananda AIM for Seva Chatralayam for Boys, Kalabhavi, Karnataka. He has bagged the ‘Best Student of the Year’ award based on his overall performance.
The award was presented to Rakesh on 15th August 2021 by the Chairman of the Akshay Trust New High School, Kalabhavi, Karnataka. What’s more, Rakesh stood second in the Class 10 examination (2020-2021). He scored 87%. His father, a farmer and mother, a daily wage labourer are extremely proud of his academic accomplishments. “They did not anticipate such a change in me,” says Rakesh with a smile.
He attributes his success to the Chatralayam environment. “Before I joined the hostel, I was aimless and constantly misbehaved with others and got into trouble as a result of that. Now, my good behavior has enabled me to get the Best Student of the Year Award,” says Rakesh proudly.
Rakesh joined the Kalabhavi Chatralayam three years ago when he was in Class 8.
He is looking to join the Indian Army in the future. Wishing Rakesh all the very best.