With deep sorrow, we inform the passing away of Smt. Abantikaben Shah, an ardent devotee and follower of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati. She passed away at 12:25 pm on 7th February 2024 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Smt. Abantikaben and her husband, Sri. Piyush Shah have been devoted disciples and prominent supporters to Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati for over 30 years now. Sri. Piyush Shah is the President and board member of AIM for Seva USA as well the Treasurer of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylosburg, PA, USA. Both AIM for Seva as well as Arsha Vidya Gurukulam were founded by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
In her own tribute to Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati when he attained Mahasamadhi, Smt. Abantikaben narrated the couple’s deep and warm association with the Founder of AIM for Seva. “Piyush and I came in contact with Pujya Swamiji about 30 years ago. We both became very close to Swamiji with his compassion and teachings. It was our privilege to extend our little help and support to Swamiji in all his projects. Swamiji always acknowledged our little help and mentioned that “Whatever I have done so far is because of you two.”
Like the true Indian woman, Smt. Abantikaben took a backseat and acknowledged the role her spouse played in their special spiritual association with Pujya Swamiji. “Piyush always served Swamiji unconditionally like Hanuman. We both lead a very simple life and have dedicated our lives to his cause. You all know that the Gurukulam (Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylosburg, USA) is the final place, the place in which no one seeks any recognition. We wanted to lend our wholehearted support to fulfill all the projects that were envisioned by Swamiji. We both wanted love from Swamiji and we got it in abundance. He said, “I will be with you all the time so don’t cry and lament. Be joyous and try to be big like me.”
Of late, Smt. Abantikaben devoted her time to listening to the Vedanta teachings of Pujya Swamiji. “I try hard not to see any mistakes in people. I would definitely not withstand anyone doing wrong at the Gurukulam. We came here for Swamiji and he became like a backbone to us. It is good we met such a person in our life. Now he is my Guru and I will take his teaching and move,” she recollected in her very special tribute to Pujya Swamiji.
The management and staff of the AIM for Seva family share their heartfelt condolences to Sri. Piyush Shah and his family. Smt. Abantikaben’s contribution to the various causes founded by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati has been unparalled and her warm demeanor and guiding spirit will be solely missed.
Om Shanthi