AIM for Seva

Going Strong: A New Look for Krupa During the 25th Year

This year marks the 25th year (silver jubilee) of Swami Dayananda Krupa Home. On 16th June 1998, a 10 large campus situated on the outskirts of Chennai in Maduvankarai, Sriperumbudur, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu became a home away from home for adult men with developmental delays.

Since then, there has been no looking back. Today, 32 men are provided with end of life care and support. Our residents are meaningfully engaged during the day with various activities. And having gained valuable experience in this field for over a decade, the next logical step was to evolve Krupa into a holistic centre of care and excellence.

A few days back, the new campus at Krupa was formally inaugurated. We are very happy to share that one of the donors to the project (Activity & Admin Centre), Dr. Surjit Dixit and his son Vishwanath flew all the way down from Vancover, Canada to be present with us during this memorable occasion.

In her speech, the Chairperson and Managing Trustee of AIM for Seva, Ms. Sheela Balaji recollected the generosity of Ms. Saroj Goenka in donating the land parcel on which Krupa stands today. “A facility like Krupa Home can largely alleviate that anxiety of Who After Us,” Ms. Sheela Balaji said. She also thanked Delphi-TVS for supporting Swami Dayananda Krupa Home in different ways during the course of the last 15 years.

The Treasurer of AIM for Seva, Sri. R. Kannan said AIM for Seva was a vision of our Founder, Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati. “In the earlier days, Swamiji used to give the Bhiksha received from his followers to AIM for Seva.”

In his short and sweet speech, Sri. Ravee Malhotra,Trustee, AIM for Seva mentioned that it is the blessing of Swamiji and to give back to society in whatever little way we can.

The Founder of Buddhi Clinic and Trustee of AIM for Seva, Dr. E.S. Krishnamoorthy talked of his organisation’s association with Krupa Care over the last six years that included three assessment camps and delivery of integrative therapy that included Ayurveda and naturopathy and yoga to the residents on two occasions. “It is not about whether we are intelligent; it is about how we are intelligent. The work that we do needs to bring out the intelligence, interests, the aptitude, the enthusiasm, the motivation in the people that we are working with.” He added that the Activity Centre combined with the Integrative Health Centre is unique to the world. “The whole idea is to create a transitional care experience where families understand each other, identify the potential in their loved ones through the Activity Centre, identify means of keeping a person healthy through the Integrative Health Centre,” stressed Dr. E.S. Krishnamoorthy.

The donor of the Activity & Admin Centre, Dr. Surjit Dixit said it was humbling and satisfying to see all the work that has gone in and the people who are working tirelessly to create the organisation that is so unique.

We thank all the donors and supporters of Swami Dayananda Krupa Home for giving a meaningful life to the residents at Krupa.